Dear Kuan-Yu Hao,

Your department updated the status of your petition ("Add certificate code", submitted on 1/28/2011 4:14:13 PM) to "Approve", and this recommendation has been sent to the Graduate School. Any departmental comments are noted below.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this recommendation, please contact your department's Graduate Program Assistant (staff member) or Graduate Program Coordinator (faculty advisor). You will be notified by email when the Graduate School has acted on this recommendation.

我已經被商學院獲准列入畢業名單, 接下來就等全校的研究所等級行政作業, 類似什麼一省二省的程序。

所以, 技術上, 我已經快要變校友了, 時間上, 還剩下六週, 心態上, 準備擺脫米蟲生活。

這一切, 即將進入尾聲, 這個部落格, 也該功成身退了。

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