目前分類:2009-10 Fall Quarter (13)

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女:哇! 狗伯特共同基金的手續費超級高的~~!



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Monday, December 14

8:30-10:30am – Finance Final Exam:  Section A in BAEEC 310; Section B in BAEEC 320
12:30-3:00pm – Statistics Final Exam: Section A in BAEEC 310; Section B in BAEEC 320

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今天是2009 Fall課程的最後一天,期末考前,跑圖書館也是很合理的事。即使對於自己目前的成績,以及學校的計分方式,心理已經有譜,到這個田地了,即使期末隨便考一考,也輪不到我墊背,不過,在競爭壓力的趨使下,還是全力衝刺。

10M shares outstanding

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I did not update this weekly schedule for 5 weeks. You know why. Yeah, busyness. Now, there're only 2 weeks left. I guess I'm going to survive. However, 4 final exams and one huge final report are there waiting for me.

Marketing 16- International Marketing Issues
Marketing 17- Marketing Ethics

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Hi Jeff CHO (Chief Hotpot Officer)


I am within the 95% confidence interval that I will skip the strategy class tomorrow. Reading the 3M case is really not part of my plan before Thanksgiving... so, I suggest we leave around 12pm for the hotpot.

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Finance 11
Topic: Market efficiency
Reading: "Financial Economics: Efficiency and Beyond," The Economist, 18 July 2009

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美國的考試文化真的很妙,有一種東西叫作cheat sheet,就是小抄。

統計老師Erich讓我們帶小抄,但是限制letter size(約A4大小)一張,正反面隨便寫,任你寫,隨你寫 (天音:這麼大張算哪門子小抄?)


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什麼是Team work?在assignment deadline前,team work就是用"reply all"這個功能相互把彼此信箱塞爆。



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Class 7: Monday 19 October 2009 (1.30pm – 3.20pm or 3.30pm – 5.20pm)
•Topic: Historical risk and return, portfolio diversification

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Class 5: Monday 12 October 2009
Topic: Capital budgeting and free cash flows

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Topic: Introduction to Preparing Financial Statements for a retail firm
Textbook: SWSF Chapter 2

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期待已久,財務都上了兩門課後,Strategy終於要開始,雖然心中對Charles Hill有無限的仰慕,但是從一位台灣學姐耳聞,這是一位很tough的教授。

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10:30-12:20 12:30-13:20 13:30-15:20


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