"The Customers' Revenge" by Dan Ariely, Harvard Business Review, December 2007
Whether the company knows it or not, Atida is a service organization that happens to sell cars, not a car-making organization that happens to provide service.
Getting the customer off the phone doesn't mean the customer is satisfied, or even finished complaining
我在機場的際遇: 我在桃園機場不小心將不該帶出國的東西(鑰匙)帶在身上,必須要留在台北才行,由於再兩個半小時飛機就要起飛了,一時間我也緊張了起來,於是我跑去長榮的櫃台看他們能不能幫忙,幫我把鑰匙寄回去台北,結果他們的回答是:機場有郵局,請我自己去寄。(我沒有留意機場有郵局這件事)
現在的我,如果有人問我搭哪一家航空公司?我絕對不會推薦長榮,大概會是國泰和港龍,他們夏天時,在飛機上餵我哈根達斯,超讚! XD
Customers are valuable to a firm in two ways. The first-the direct lifetime value- is simply how much profit an individual is expected to generate for the company over the long run from purchasing products and services.
What companies often fail to consider is the second way- the indirect, word-of-mouth lifetime value- how much profit customers give to, or take from , the firm because of their effecct on others.
就一支鑰匙和12元郵資嘛~ 沒什麼,像你們的服務人員說的,自己來就好了,別麻煩你們,永遠不用了,反正以後也用不到學生票~ bye bye~